Our Community Makes it Happen

The North Coast Stand Down (NCSD) is truly a grassroots effort. NCSD Staff or Coordinators, Service Providers and Volunteers work hard to bring this event to Humboldt County the first weekend of October.

Which one are you?

North Coast Stand Down Staff or Coordinators: These volunteers commit their time and energy all year around to put together specific areas of service at the event. Historically, these areas are: Clothing Services, Del Norte County Liaison, Food Services, Fundraising Coordinator, Housing and Hygiene,  IT Coordinator, Native American Services, On-site Coordinator, Off-Site Coordinator, Outreach Coordinator, Pet Services, Registration, Safety and Security, Service Provider Services, Recycling, and Transportation Services. For a description of these positions, please click here.

Service Providers: These are agencies, organizations and individuals who provide services at the event. We ask for a three day commitment on a  Thursday, Friday and Saturday to allow for our veterans and their families to access services. The convenience of bringing services to one location provides accessibility, an informal environment that is safe and welcoming and a supportive community.

Coordinators: Our coordinators are amazing self-driven talented individuals and they are key component in the success of our events. Our coordinators bring their wealth of experiences and skillsets and transform our event from an average cookie-cutter event to an extraordinary memorable event that has come to impact so many veteran's lives over the years. Coordinators are tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Ideally, coordinators exemplify strong teamwork and leadership skills as well as kindness which allows them to receive critical feedback and guidance in a positive manner.

Volunteers: These folks show up one day before the event and volunteer their time through out the event. Whether you want to help our veterans, missing a son or daughter who is currently in the military, or honoring someone you have lost; NCSD welcomes you to our community.

Register as a volunteer by downloading and mailing the Volunteer Registration Form: NCSD-Volunteer_Registration_Form 2024

Volunteer To Serve Those Who Have Served

Click on a Position to Learn More

The goals of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS include striving to offer a continuum of care through services that include:
  • assertive outreach to those veterans living on the streets, in the bush, and in shelters who otherwise would not be aware of the support and assistance available to them;
  • provide clinical assessment and referral for needed medical treatment for physical and psychiatric disorders, including substance abuse;
  • provide referrals to long-term sheltered transitional assistance, case management, and rehabilitation;
  • provide employment assistance and linkage with available income support; and supported sustainable housing.
  • Communicate with local, state and federal officials and seek their support of the stand downs missions and goals.
  • Bring attention to the general public and government officials of the “state of affairs” of many veterans; regarding the lack of: affordable housing, adequate transitional services and medical, dental and mental health care.
  • Educate our officials and the general public about on-going outreach activities to provide opportunities for veterans to become self-sufficient and lastly provide an understanding by all concerned of the services and programs available.
The duties of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS include the oversight of the Stand Down Coordinators. The Board is responsible for making policy decisions and changes regarding the event and the mission of the North Coast Stand Down. The Board has fiscal responsibility and oversees all financial transactions and ensures the legality and safety of all involved. By nominations and elections, the Board members will be elected and further nominations for Board positions such as Chair of the Board, Secretary and Treasurer will be finalized prior to the first meeting of the year.

The Board President or Chair of the board is responsible for calling meetings and setting the agenda. The President will make sure all meetings are conducted using Robert's Rules of order. The President will ensure appropriate communication and representation of the organization.

The Board Vice President will fill the position of President if it becomes vacant and oversee board meetings in the President’s absence. The Vice President is responsible for program development, presentations and seminars at the event. The Vice President will ensure there is confidential space for interviews and the logistics are vetted to ensure confidentiality and the best “flow” for participants, service providers and volunteers.

The Secretary will take minutes during the meetings and send them to the IT Coordinator to post on the website. The Secretary will ensure that motions are voted on and carried properly. The Secretary will ensure all reports are filed and posted if applicable. Additionally, the secretary is responsible for retrieving mail from Post Office box each week and distributing it accordingly. As well as posting event information across marketing platforms which may include our website, social media channels and other platforms if needbe.

The Treasurer is responsible for any financial transactions involving the NCSD accounts and ensuring all money is accounted for and bills are paid. The Treasurer will provide a monthly Financial statement. The Treasurer will work with an independent accountant to review and audit our finances and make sure all tax returns are filed. The Treasurer will receipt all donations and send the donation form to the Secretary to send a Thank you letter and notify the IT Coordinator to post the donor’s organization/name on the website for recognition.

The Board members will appoint a proxy with voting rights if they are unable to attend a meeting. If a board member misses more than four (4) consecutive meetings, a vote will be called for resignation and nominations for a new board member will be visited.
The responsibilities for this position includes being the event manager(s) and acting upon the goals set-forth by the Board of Directors. ED/Chair will work to identify and empower Coordinators to ensure those goals are met. Facilitating communication with the Coordinators, Board and the public is essential. They encourage creativity and organization of the overall stand down. They work with the Funds Coordinator to establish potential grants which are available to support stand down. Establish Partnerships with agencies and organizations that can support the stand downs goals. Bridge the “gap” between Del Norte, Trinity and Humboldt County to help improve Social, Legal and VA Services to participants from both counties.
  • Secure location, in this case, the fairgrounds and insurance.
  • Work with on-site coordinator on logistics.
  • Post Stand down, work Board of Directors to collect statistics and report data for grants and interested agencies.
  • Ensure there is a debriefing provided for all service providers, committee members, volunteers and staff.
  • Develop a Fact Sheet.
  • Keep copies of all documents, media etc. for historical tracking.
Clothing Services Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Establish community donation sites for related clothing.
  • Work with the Redwood Vets Center to order Excess Property for the General Services Administration, upon arrival ensure there are volunteers to help off load.
  • Communicate with local charity organizations to pick-up any excess items after the stand down or move to storage unit.
  • Establish a secure Clothing Distribution center on-site prior to the event.
  • Consideration for the distribution of Veterans only clothing, Women and Children’s Clothing, sleeping bags and other donated items shall be considered.
  • Seek assistance from church groups, the general public, veterans’ organizations and others to carry-out these duties.
  • Work with Volunteer Coordinator to properly staff the distribution center and retrieve all related donated items prior to the event.
  • Arrange for storage after the event.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Del Norte Outreach Coordinator (Position Open)
Responsibilities Include:

  • The Del Norte Outreach Coordinator Acts as liaison for Coordinators and Del Norte County veterans.
  • Responsible for outreach and advertising in Del Norte county.
  • Solicit volunteers.
  • Provides travel schedule from Crescent City to Ferndale for veterans and Transportation Coordinator and is responsible for transporting participants to and from fairgrounds.
  • Collects data for Del Norte County veterans and dependents.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Entertainment Coordinator (Position Open)
Responsibilities Include:

  • The Entertainment Coordinator is responsible for coordinating DJ entertainment and live music during outdoor cookout events and after hours events.
  • This individual is responsible for organizing and coordinating the entertainment for our annual event and any other NCSD events to ensure our events have a warm festive atmosphere.
  • This coordinator is responsible for scheduling PA systems, sound equipment and any other entertainment-related feature.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Faith Services Coordinator (Position Open)
Responsibilities Include:

  • This coordinator is responsible for generating and scheduling all meetings, presentations and seminars to support any denomination, including AA meetings.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Food Services Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Meal planning and coordinating kitchen inventory, volunteers, and clean up.
  • Work with and solicit groups to cook meals with the option of NCSD purchasing groceries or donating the food.
  • Plan and coordinate meals for volunteers and security for off hours such as set up and take down.
  • Scheduling volunteers to help serve, cook if needed, and clean up.
  • Take inventory of all kitchen items and purchased food as well as left over food, supplies and beverages.
  • Tally the number of meals served.
  • Educate volunteers on food safety and preparation
  • Contact BBQ personnel for Saturday Lunch.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Fund Raising Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Review Budget and identify needs* as determined by Board of Directors.
  • Collect information from Coordinators for budget line items for their areas.
  • Send out “donation Letters” as close to the beginning of the year as possible.
  • Contact in kind donors and set up donated equipment, supplies and labor.
  • Write grants for Stand Down and follow up for potential funding through other private organizations.
  • Plan, Coordinate and execute fundraising dinner and silent auction at local casino.
  • Communicate with IT/Webmaster to post sponsors on website. Provide incentives for sponsoring NCSD such as ad in print media, banners on site, listed on website and certificates.
  • *Needs include bus tokens and monies for typical “Hard costs” for infrastructure services such as electrical usage, phone usage, tent rental, grounds rental, cot rental, refuse deposal, printing, stationary and copy paper, paper goods (plates, cups and etc.) ice, drinking water, two-way radios, personnel care items, fax and copy machine and T-Shirts. Payment of DMV print-outs, and ID’s (obtain DMV’s Non-Profit organization discount form) and as determined by the various Chairs, Board and Directors.
Housing / Hygiene Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Set up cots and blankets in assigned buildings or tents.
  • Track participants that stay over night and maintain safety guidelines and communication with Executive Director/Chair of Coordinators and Site Coordinator.
  • Contact Mission Linen for towels, sheets etc. and work with the Food Services Coordinator for kitchen needs from Mission Linen.
  • Coordinate Shower Facilities with Volunteer Coordinator to schedule volunteers to hand out towels and provide janitorial services as well as the distribution of hygiene products like soap, shampoo, etc.
  • Sanitize and clean-up the facilities.
  • Contact and work with social workers to help staff and manage crisis housing when necessary
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
IT / Marketing Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Updating the website efficiently and consistently to provide time-sensitive information quickly and reliably.
  • Managing and overseeing NCSD digital communication which includes email, email aliases and miscellaneous channels/methods of digital communication.
  • Lastly, this coordinator is also responsible for the setup, administration and provisioning of wifi service for extent of the event's schedule.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Native American Services Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Coordinate with local tribes to ensure participation of Native American veterans.
  • Coordinate a sweat lodge and tribal dances.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Off-Site Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Strategic placement of signs outside and around the venue to help guests navigate the event.
  • Community liaison during event with law enforcement and work with Public Relations coordinator.
  • The strategic placement of Banners/flyers in offsite locations
  • The development/coordination of the transportation schedules. Works directly with Onsite and Transportation Coordinators.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
On Site Coordinator (s)
Once a site is considered, its Accessibility, Security, Acceptability (to local merchants and neighbors) and costs should be addressed. Determination of a Preliminary Budget and Material Procurement shall be developed with the approval or participation of Board and Executive Director/ Chair of Coordinators. Primary considerations are the typical “Hard costs” for infrastructure services such as electrical usage, phone usage, tent rental, grounds rental, cot rental, refuse deposal, printing, stationary and copy paper, paper goods (plates, cups and etc.) ice, drinking water, two-way radios, personnel care items and T-Shirts.

  • Schedule Color Guard and music for onsite for opening ceremonies, morning and evening colors.
  • Work with the Executive Director/Chair of Coordinators to develop the NCSD Itinerary for printing and distribution at event.
  • Establish a command tent for on-site staff operations.
  • Distribution of radios: On Site Coordinator, Housing/Hygiene Coordinator, Security /Safety Coordinator, specified Peacekeepers, Command Tent, Executive Director/Chair of Coordinators and others as specified, on site with a process for check in and check out.
  • In an emergency, all staff is directed to contact the On Site Chair to contact all other parties via radio necessary to respond specifically to the emergency.
  • Stay the weekend, including overnight to ensure responsibilities listed are adhered to.
  • Coordinate all entrance and exit of support vehicles, participants, and volunteers.
  • Coordinate and attempt to mitigate all foreseeable logistical issues and concerns that may arise during the event.
  • Address and Coordinate all facility issues and concerns with fairground personnel for the duration of the event.
  • Ability to respond to any and all participant, service providers, committee chairs, guests and all others needs as well as facility needs for the duration of the event.
  • Prioritize the health and safety of all participants, service providers, committee chairs, guests and all other service personnel for the duration of the event.
Outreach Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Coordinate with local outreach services to personally invite homeless veterans to Stand Down.
  • Coordinate (assertive) outreach to homeless veterans.
  • Distribute Outreach cards with dates, location and services.
  • Develop timeline for conducting outreach activities.
  • Contact and encourage veteran service organizations, government and private service providers, grocery stores, transit agencies, post offices, social security offices, newspapers, radio stations, DMV offices, church groups, EDD, Bail Bondsman, Union Halls, Fast Food Restaurants, laundry mates, community billboards and Convenience Stores, emergency medical services, county jails, VETS from Humboldt State and College of the Redwoods and local law enforcement agencies to post flyers and provide whatever assistance they can in encouraging veterans to take part in the event.
  • Develop a Public Service Announcement for radios and utilize the Eureka TV group for assistance with PR.
  • Document and archive all articles for historical tracking.
  • You and the President or Designee represent Stand Down to the media.
  • Work closely with our photographer to ensure the distribution and completion of Release of Information forms individuals photographed.
  • The VA may have their own form which is required in certain instances.
  • Monitoring of media on site at Stand Down is important to maintain confidentiality of participants
Pet Service Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Collect donations of pet food and supplies to provide to veteran pet owners at the event.
  • Set up site and maintain care around the clock.
  • Work with local veterinarians for onsite care and discounts for participants.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Political Affairs Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Contact federal, State and local government elected representatives and request support in the form of resolutions supporting the stand down.
  • Board Members will be available to address public forums and elected officials concerning the stand down.
  • Ensure we are placed on the agenda for addressing the Ferndale City Council, Humboldt County Board of Supervisors and other entities that can assist in meeting our goals.
  • Report on your activities during scheduled meetings.
  • Work directly with Board members when necessary.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Recycling Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Contact recycling and waste management companies for donated goods / services and/or special arrangements for non-profit special events (i.e. containers on site)
  • Work with waste management company to ensure we implement best practice methods to maintain a clean and sanitary environment as the event progresses
  • Coordinator is responsible for recycling and garbage disposal prior, during and after the event.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Registration Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Registration of Clients via the website and hard copy before and after the event.
  • Maintain secure database.
  • Develop data fields and form to collect demographic and service information.
  • Issue color coded (noting veteran status) ID wrist bands to all clients.
  • Verification of Veterans: Work with the VA’s Oakland Regional Office to ensure a representative is onsite to conduct verifications. Forward all Veterans Registration Forms received prior to the event to the County Veterans Service Officer ( Rena Maveety) or the Redwood Vets Center for verification of veteran’s status.
  • Provide updates on the number of veterans and non-veterans, services requested and any referrals made of clients that have registered in advance of the event.
  • Coordinate with the Transportation Chair issues related to transportation needs to and from the event.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Security and Safety Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Establish protocols for safety and security guidelines onsite and in conjunction with the transportation coordinator for vans and buses.
  • Ensure all security and safety personnel are informed and understand the protocols and signage that is posted for all stand down clients.
  • Conduct a brief informational/training session with all peacekeeping personnel and site coordinator to ensure all parties understand the Stand Down protocols.
  • Good communications with on-site personnel, local EMS and Law Enforcement is essential prior to and during the event.
  • Strive to have a CPR and emergency First Aid certified individual on-site throughout the event.
  • An emergency response team including the site coordinator, security/safety coordinator, an EMT or equivalent, and a peacekeeper, will be coordinated to handle “emergencies” at the event.
  • Coordinate with Site Chair and schedule peacekeepers around the clock beginning the night before and through the last day at noon.
  • Direct staff to refer all emergencies to Site Chair for immediate response and Command Post where the numbers for Local Fire and the Police are listed. Calling 911 is not encouraged since the potential to “clog” up the phone line exists during a large event.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Service Provider Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Invite agencies and organizations to attend and provide services at Stand Down.
  • Collect data via the website and hard copy.
  • Set up logistics for service providers, schedules and equipment needs.
  • Orientate Service Providers on how to gain access to event.
  • Provide each service provider a Certificate of Appreciation and a survey requesting statistics on number served and their comments to help improve our services.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Transportation Chair
Responsibilities Include:

  • Connect with last years chair to receive pertinent info and contacts.
  • Coordinate with public transit authorities and other potential transportation provider’s pick-up points and times.
  • Rural transit providers such as The Quail in Garberville and the in Willow Creek (both public and private) should be contacted for suggested pick-up locations and timelines for transporting clients to and from the stand down.
  • Close coordination with the registration chair is suggested to ensure proper timelines and pick-up points are in place.
  • Be realistic about your pick up times that are scheduled for pick ups and returns on Saturday with a final drop off on Sunday.
  • Contact phone numbers, names and type transportation services being provided should be available for all providers.
  • Flyers for Stand Down must have the transportation schedule posted prior to distribution. Please plan at least 45 days ahead for transportation schedule to be finalized.
  • Coordinate with site coordinator regarding transportation issues and shuttle services during the event.
  • Ensure transportation is available throughout the stand down event
  • Coordinate with Security to provide security at Pick up sites and on buses/vans as necessary.
  • Create and post signs for pick up locations, freeway directions and city centers for easy direction and notification of times and pick up spots.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Volunteer Coordinator
Responsibilities Include:

  • Develop a volunteer registration procedure with form and data fields from our website.
  • Determine what type of volunteers are needed and schedule staffing accordingly.
  • Develop and issue “Certificates of Appreciation” to each volunteer.
  • Schedule a Volunteer Dinner after the event (however, try to stay within 30 days of event). Provide information at stand down and on the website about dinner.
  • Create a program and admissions requirement to ensure we provide the best experience possible
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.
Women and Children’s Services
Responsibilities Include:

  • Set up a space for children to be secure and watched so that veteran parents participants are able to attend the event.
  • Create a fun environment for children of potentially a variety of ages
  • Implement a method/system to match parent to child.
The responsibilities for all coordinators involves engaging with our local community to help homeless veterans. Coordinators will be tasked with managing a specific services or activities. Furthermore, coordinators are expected to provide a status report regarding their efforts and strategies related to their specific assignment. We also encourage our coordinators to address any problems, issues or concerns encountered along the way. Coordinators are expected to exemplify good teamwork and leadership skills as well as the humility and open-mindedness to receive critical feedback and guidance when deemed necessary.

Thank you for your kindness dear volunteers